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Chinese translation for "extraction stage"


Related Translations:
extraction bath:  萃取浴
extraction raffinate:  萃余液
extraction well:  抽水井
extraction duct:  吸出管道
theme extraction:  专业要素抽出
paper extraction:  抽纸
extraction isotherm:  萃取等温线
extraction thimble:  抽提套管浸出用滤纸筒萃取壳筒
automatic extraction:  自动句子摘录自动提取自动摘录
extraction structure:  抽水建筑物
Example Sentences:
1.Secondly , in the feature extraction stage , haar 2 - d wavelet transform is used in each band of the normalized image . the mean values and variances of the coefficients of 7 main wavelet channels are extracted as features
Similar Words:
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